Minimap enhancements, testbed area, and fixes

Hi all!

This latest update finally turns the minimap into what was originally intended, a radar-like view of the player's surroundings to help with fighting multiple combatants at the same time. From version 9 onwards, the radar will show a rough representation of the section of the game-world map the player is in, and super-imposed over the top of this are a set of icons.

  • An upwards pointing triangle indicates something which is above your current position in the world, e.g. atop a tower or up a hill
  • A downwards pointing triangle indicates something which is below your current position in the world, e.g. in a valley:
  • A circle indicates something that is at the same height in the world as yourself:
  • Green icons indicate passive or friendly NPCs, e.g. market traders, villagers, etc:
  • Grey icons indicate static POIs (Points Of Interest) e.g. a quest marker.
  • Yellow icons indicate hostile enemies that have not yet seen the player, and may be randomly walking or on a patrol route.
  • Red icons indicate hostile enemies which have seen the player and are actively fighting the player or seeking to get into combat range

You can see this in use during combat with some desert scorpions:

You'll also notice the graph in the bottom left and statistics in the top right. These are for logging and diagnosing performance, and can be toggled by pressing F at any time (even during the menu!) If you are experiencing a performance issue while testing, these figures can shed some light onto just how bad the issue is, and what's causing it, if passed along to me, the developer.

On the subject of testing, a new 'Testbed' room has been added. This can be accessed via the Teleport Menu (press T during gameplay) which was made available with update 7:

The testbed room is currently empty (and will require a second use of teleport menu to get out of) and completely isolated from the rest of the game world. This will be a centrepoint for alpha testing new features and being able to test existing features, e.g. over time there will be facilities in here to spawn any equipment, NPC or enemy.

There have been a few combat tweaks with this update, please let me know how you find them. I am aware of some flaws in the combat which make it not fun or useful right now and intend to overhaul combat over the next couple of weeks.

If you can think of any features you would like to be accessible via this testbed room that may not be obvious to me, please do let me know via the discord server.

Files 2.6 GB
Version 10 Sep 04, 2019

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